View from window in Mont Saint Michel, France.




books on bookcase

Soar with Syllables

Syllable Divided Books.

In the 1700s and early 1800s, students were typically taught using a syllabary and a speller, such as Webster’s Blue-Backed Speller. By the time they completed the speller, students could generally read well enough to tackle any text—often their first was the King James Bible. 

After mastering spelling, students would progress to a reader, where words were sometimes divided into syllables to aid decoding. Parker’s First Reader is an example of such a syllabicated text. By the late 1800s, many stand-alone books were published in this style, often with titles including the phrase "In Words of One Syllable."

These books are useful for both beginner and remedial readers. Reprints of Josephine Pollard’s one-syllable books, The Life of Washington and The History of the United States, are available on Amazon.

For free options, you can download and print several one-syllable books from Google Books. One standout is Lives of the Presidents—it’s informative, and you can print sections for one or two presidents at a time.

Parker’s First Reader, 

Lesson VI.

History of England in Words of One Syllable, page 19

Can you make a pic-ture of a sound?

I do not think a pic-ture of a sound can be made.

O yes, it can; and this book is full of the pic-tures of sounds.

The pic-ture of a horse looks like a horse, and the pic-tures of a house and a cow look like a house and a cow.

Does the pic-ture of a sound look like a sound?

No, the pic-ture of a sound does not look like a sound. We can-not see a sound, and do no know how a sound looks.

How, then, can we make a pic-ture of a sound, if we do not know how a sound looks?

I will tell you. I have just told you that this book is full of pictures of sounds; and I will show you one of these pic-tures.

What is this?


Books with words of one-syllable from Google Books:

Lives of the Presidents in Words of One Syllable by Harriet Putnam

The Life of Abraham Lincoln for Young People by Harriet Putnam

Our Hero, General U.S. Grant by Josephine Pollard

Our Naval Heroes: in Words of Easy Syllables by Josephine Pollard

History of England in Words of One Syllable by Helen Pierson

History of France in Words of One Syllable by Helen Pierson

History of the Old Testament in Words of One Syllable by Josephine Pollard

Ruth, a Bible Heroine and Other Stories Told in the Language of Children by Josephine Pollard

Bible Stories in Words of One Syllable by M. A. B.

Readers that start out with divided syllables and then transition into regular text as the students figure out syllable division as they learn and mature:

Abbott's First Reader by Jacob and John Abbott

Tropical Reading Books by Eliza Caroline Philips

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