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Experience Reading Success with our Syllables Lessons

Syllables Spell Success Lessons

 A transformative 10-lesson course proven to boost reading levels. It starts with basic syllable and spelling skills, and advances to complex phonics with Greek and Latin roots and syllabic phonics. The syllabic phonics teaches multi-syllable phonics ending with 12th grade level words. Video makes it easy for anyone to teach.

Mom: “My daughter had tutoring from a nationwide company for over 2 years with very little progress. After finishing the Syllables Spell Success lessons, she is finally reading at grade level!! We used your recommendation in lesson 10 and worked through the McGuffey 3rd Reader—she’s now above grade level and is now able to finish her homework in a reasonable amount of time. Homework used to take hours.”

Student: “I’m so happy to be able to read hard Greek and Latin words. Your lessons made a big difference. Now I can’t wait to learn even more!”

Student: “My teachers noticed how much better I can read now. They used to treat me like I was stupid. I knew I wasn’t, now they know too!!”

Syllables Spell Success lessons have been used since 2010 to teach groups of children to read with the help of volunteers. The videos and lessons are free to watch and print. The average class improved 1.7 grade levels with 3 volunteers per student. The lessons can also be used individually by a parent or tutor.

Sample words and syllables from each group of lessons are shown in the blue and red boxes to the right. 

To see how effective these lessons can be, you can start with the 1 lessons overview, Super Speed Syllables. You just need the Super Speed Syllables worksheet and the super speed syllables video. It’s a great preview and review.

The full lessons are easy to teach. The videos teach for a few minutes at a time, then you review what has just been taught. 40L has had volunteers from all walks of life who have successfully taught phonics with this easy method. Files needed for each student:

Student Packet: A combined packet with all the files necessary.

One page vowel and consonant chart, to have nearby to look up sounds.

Each parent, tutor, or volunteer needs a copy of the student packet above as well as the following files:

Teacher’s Guide: Explains how to teach each lesson, has workbook answers.

Nonsense words: one copy per volunteer.

Nonsense word tracker: one copy per student.

Nonsense words are very helpful for reducing guessing—many of 40L’s students have guessing problems from balanced literacy instruction. There are extra nonsense word files that can be assigned as optional homework:

Nonsense words version 2, for optional homework 

Extra nonsense words, for continued practice after class completion.

Sample Words From syllables lessons 1 to 3
Sample words from syllables lessons 4 to 5
sample words from syllables lessons 6 to 7
sample words from syllables lessons 8 to 10


For those wanting to teach at a different pace or want to teach without the videos, there is a Syllables Spell Success Transcript. You can also use this transcript to figure out how to integrate the higher level morphology and syllabic phonics teaching into your phonics program.


Each lesson has a phonics game time included, games are free to print:

Phonics Concentration Game: one copy for every 3 to 4 students, paper and pencil to score each group game.

Greek and Latin Bingo: One bingo card and one master root sheet for each student, one word root document for each volunteer.

 Optional Hebrews Passages

You can also add in Hebrews 12 Passages to track your progress.


It is important to have an idea of each student’s reading grade level and reading fluency. The MWIA is a useful test for showing the degree of guessing problems and problems from balanced literacy instruction. Our How To Teach video #3 linked below explains how to give the tests.

40L Reading Grade Level Test. Print one copy per each student and each volunteer, each student needs a blank test to read. Volunteers test the students one by one and end up with a scored copy for each student.

40L Reading Fluency Test. One copy per each student and each volunteer, score copy for each student.

MWIA. The Grade Level test scores will determine if you use the MWIA 1 or 3. Usually, younger students will need the MWIA 1 and older students the MWIA 3. One copy of the MWIA for each student and volunteer.

Video Links

The Syllables Spell Success videos are individually linked by lesson number below. Click on the picture of each lesson to go to the video. They are also all arranged in order in our Syllables Spell Success video playlist on YouTube. We hope you have a much success with these lessons as our volunteers and students have!

Super Speed Syllables
Syllables Lesson 1
Syllables Lesson 2
Syllables Lesson 3
Syllables Lesson 4
Syllables Lesson 5
Syllables Lesson 6
Syllables Lesson 7
Syllables Lesson 8
Syllables Lesson 9
Syllables Lesson 10

The purple videos are for parents and teachers or tutors together, to watch and then do the associated readings or syllable division exercises or worksheets. 

The blue videos below are for a teacher or tutor or volunteer director to watch to see how to teach the lessons and how to find students and set up a group class. Most of the things covered in the video series below are also in the Syllables Spell Success Teacher’s Guide

Teach Syllables 1
Teach Syllables 2
Teach Syllables 3
Teach Syllables 4
Teach Syllables 5
Teach Syllables 6
Teach Syllables 7
Teach Syllables 8
Teach Syllables 9
Teach Syllables 10
Teach Syllables Pieces

The Phonics Page is a ministry of 40L.

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